Posted on 11/27/2014

Today's Mercedes vehicles are basically computers on wheels. Properly servicing newer models of Mercedes-Benz cars and trucks requires equally complex diagnostic computers. At CK Auto Exclusive we specialize in service and repair of newer Mercedes-Benz models and we have the diagnostic tools to do so. Our professional technicians can determine the cause of any problem your Mercedes vehicle has, from the airbags to the brakes to the transmission. Information about your car's performance and efficiency is stored in the on-board computer. Our technicians then access this information and use it to help you keep your vehicle in prime condition. We believe that providing the best service to our customers means keeping up with innovations while remaining true to the old standards of service. We take pride in working on luxury vehicles and we also take pride in our customer service. When your Mercedes needs professional attention, give it the attention it d ... read more
Posted on 11/7/2014
CK Auto Exclusive is a family owned and operated, independent Mercedes-Benz service, repair and maintenance facility. Some of the service centers at Mercedes dealerships will bleed you dry just to tell you what's wrong with your Santa Rosa Mercedes. Not at CK Auto. We understand that auto repair is rarely needed when we find ourselves with a budget surplus. Mercedes repair usually hits you at the most inconvenient times. As such, we will always provide you with a free Mercedes Benz repair estimates. MERCEDES REPAIR ESTIMATE TOOLS We pride ourselves in our state-of-the-art Mercedes-Benz diagnostic tools and our professional, knowledgeable and honest customer service. CK Auto Exclusive can offer the latest technology and quality in the following Mercedes maintenance services: Factory ServiceMercedes Service AMercedes Service B ... read more